Some ears are described as being jumbo in size and may
even protrude or stick out. Other people
have smaller, flatter ears. The shape of
the ear does have an effect on how a person hears. Ears deliver sounds to the eardrum and
eventually to the brain. The outer flap
of the ear is called the pinna and is the sound-gatherer. Because the ear is pointed slightly to the
front, it gathers more sound from what it is facing rather than from
behind. Large ear flaps should help
drown out ambient noise from behind, whereas people with flatter ears may
better pick up sound coming from behind.
Earlobe shapes, whether attached or free hanging, tend to
be genetic and probably do not affect acoustic ability. The swirly shape of the ear leads sound down
to the auditory canal which acts as an amplifier. At the end of the canal is the eardrum. It is protected, hypersensitive to sound, and
has the unusual ability to heal on its own, even if it is torn. Eustachian tubes help equalize pressure, and
the inner ear on the other side of the eardrum is a space filled with fluid
that transmits sound waves ultimately to the brain.
The ear is a self-cleaning, self-oiling machine,
eliminating the need for Q-tips. Placing
objects inside the ear can impact ear wax that is meant to capture and expel
dirt. Cleaning ears can actually dampen
hearing. Ear wax amount and type is
inherited as a single gene.
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